Cover Warranty
Condensation is a natural phenomenon and could form in the flutes of the polycarbonate
depending on the location of the cover, humidity, and other environmental factors. This
condensation, at times, can generate the growth of algae. The algae will initially have a green
appearance until its death. After the algae dies, they begin to lose their chlorophyll and green
coloration. This results in a build-up of brown or black dust in the flutes.
These occurrences will not affect the structural integrity of the cover and are uncontrollable by
the manufacturer. Condensation and the condensation related issues mentioned above are not
covered under the manufacturer's warranty.
depending on the location of the cover, humidity, and other environmental factors. This
condensation, at times, can generate the growth of algae. The algae will initially have a green
appearance until its death. After the algae dies, they begin to lose their chlorophyll and green
coloration. This results in a build-up of brown or black dust in the flutes.
These occurrences will not affect the structural integrity of the cover and are uncontrollable by
the manufacturer. Condensation and the condensation related issues mentioned above are not
covered under the manufacturer's warranty.